Memorabilia, Parts, and Avionics
- $ 19.99
- 30-day listing slot
- Dedicated auction specialist at your disposal
- Custom written listing designed for maximum interest
- Social Media Marketing
- Marketing within the aviation community via features on our website, social media, etc.
- “Buy it Now” option to drive sales and quicken the process
Silver Wings
- $ 99
- 21-day listing slot
- Dedicated auction specialist at your disposal
- Custom written listing designed for maximum interest
Gold Wings
- $ 350
- 30-day listing slot
- Dedicated auction specialist at your disposal
- Custom written listing designed for maximum interest
- Marketing within the aviation community via features on our websites, social media, etc.
Platinum Wings
- $ 550
- 35-day listing slot
- Professional photographer to take high quality photos of aircraft/item
- Defined auction specialist at your disposal
- Custom written listing designed for maximum interest
- Marketing within the aviation community avia features on our website, social media, etc.